With train from Bergen to Oslo

Would you like to travel with train from Bergen to Oslo? That can easily be done. You can find time schedules and buy your tickets online on www.nsb.no.

And, if you want to get the tickets at a cheaper cost make sure to buy them early, because you might get the entire ride for less than 30 USD / 30 Euro. But, if you want to take the ride between Bergen and Oslo even cheaper, then you should consider making the trip as you watch it online on Netflix. Recently a film showing the train ride from Bergen to Oslo was published on UK Netflix, meaning that you can follow the entire train ride on slow TV.

If you do not understand Norwegian you might have trouble understanding all the facts presented throughout the film, but you will still be able to enjoy the beautiful ride, the fantastic landscape, lakes, snow and so much more.

There are lots of things to see in Bergen, and even if you are currently reading an article in our Oslo Guide, it must be said that Bergen is a beautiful city. Some people would say that it is much nicer than Oslo, and seen from some perspectives it truly is.

Have a wonderful time traveling with train from Bergen to Oslo. If you have a comment or a question, use the field beneath.

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